Sunday, April 22, 2012

Things I have learned this year

As the school year comes to an end, I begin thinking of what things I have learned that year and what great memories have been made.

This year we ended up winning MACS for volleyball. It was a blast! We had so much fun and you could tell by the smiles on our faces. We had the best fans in the whole world! We had everyone in the gym cheering for us, except for the team that we were playing against. In fact, one person who went to the other school even converted to cheering for us, probably because his cousin was on our team, but still. =) My sister, Jessica, and Kassie (practically my sister) cut classes and drove all the way from Northland just to watch us. And our previous coach, Allyson Burggraff, flew all the way from NC to watch us. So basically we won the first place, biggest fan section , and the team who had the fan who traveled the farthest.

This year we also had the opportunity in Biology to dissect many, many, many different creatures. That was a lot of fun, yet it was a little disgusting. I mean would you really want to dissect a cat with hair all over it's body, or a baby pig that reminded you of Wilbur. But then it was really cool to dissect a cow's heart and a cow's eyes. Did you know that when you come across a deer at night and it gives you the deer in the headlights look, the blue or greenish look of the eyes is from the light reflecting off of the tapetum lucidom in the back of it's eye? We also got to dissect a rabbit, crayfish, fish, worm, frog, sheep's brain, shark, rat, chicken, and a cow's lungs. Oh, and the chicken dissection was super fun because Marta's mom laid the egg.

In our Bible Study we have been learning about the book of Jonah. Through this study we have learned how to take a portion of scripture and really study it and figure out what it is truly talking about so you can apply it to your life. After all, knowledge without application is useless. Through this we have also grown closer together. However, one of my favorite parts of the Bible Study is the very last thing we do, prayer requests. We take time to truly listen to everyone's prayer requests. This is the time where we can spill our hearts out to each other and know that these girls will honestly pray for us about those different things. It is amazing to see how much each of these girls care, and how each of them want to serve God and honor Him in everything they say and do.

Before each game in basketball, Coach Boldt would give us a little devotional. He also would tell us some John Wooden quotes. It is just amazing to have a coach who really loves the Lord and wants to see his players have a good relationship with the Lord, also. This year I also had the opportunity to lead a Bible Study for the team. This was a really good opportunity for me to really step up as a leader, and I think that I learned more leading it than everyone else. It was amazing to see how we really grew as a team this year and "held the rope." And the coolest part of this basketball season was that one of the Coaches from another team sent my principal an email saying how she really appreciated our team's attitude both on and off the court. She also liked how she saw us talking to the team who beat us and having fun with them. Its amazing how big of a testimony your team could have.

There are so many more things that I have learned this year, but I don't want to write a book. =)

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