Friday, May 25, 2012

Jess Is Home!!

 I am so blessed to have such a wonderful sister like Jessica. She has been there for me all along, and I know she will always be there for me. She was there for me when I had to go to mayo for a medical issue, she was there for me comforting me when some very special people in my life, left, and she has been there for me when nobody else has. She truly is such a wonderful sister.

 I greatly enjoy and look forward to those days in which we are able to spend together just talking with one another. Learning more about each others life and the friends we have met, the things we have done, and how God has been working in our lives. I love spending time with my sister.

I also greatly look up to my sister. She is a great influence on me spiritually. Whenever she called home from college she would ask me what she could pray for me about. Praying for people actually helps you love them more. Then through her whole situation of looking for a job, she taught me about trust. She had to trust God to take care of her through all of this, and that He would show her the way He wanted. It proves just even more that she wants to live God's life God's way. Through all of this she wanted God to be glorified. She trusted Him to take care of her and show her which way to go.

Now Jessica is leaving this Wednesday to go work at a Camp. I am so thankful that God opened another door for her. I pray that God will be glorified through everything that she does.

I love my sister so much! She means the world to me. I don't know what I would do without her.